Distance of Their Mouths, 2011
4 performers, pre-recorded and live mixed video, spoken text, music
The Distance of Their Mouth: a journey from west to east charts six of the waterfalls part of the numbered creek system of the Niagara Lake Ontario watershed. A personal narrative is layered with the water; stories of grief told in verse are embedded in the geology and geography. The narrative journey following the creeks from west to east leads to the great waterfall, which is described as if viewed in a meditative state associated with Buddhism. The epilogue enumerates the creeks opening into Lake Ontario. Empty and open are identified as states of being overcoming despair and turmoil.
In this work, I sought to embody the place in which I live, supported visually by overlaying live images of the musicians playing. In so doing, I made my small hole in the exploitative relationship with the land and the objectification that sees us as separate to it.
Performed January 22, 2011
Niagara Artists Centre, St. Catharines
Commissioned by Gallery Players of Niagara
Concept, video, text, performance: Elizabeth Chitty
Composer: Rose Bolton
Cello: Margaret Gay
Violin: Julie Baumgartel
Recorders: Allison Melville
Video documentation by Berenicci Hershorn