Confluence Field Trips Walking Project, 2015
17 walks, September 8 – November 14, 2015, 3 sites (Confluence Field Trip #1, #2 and #3)
Part of project including website, walking project, exhibition, talking circle and multiple
The project was predicated by the opening in autumn 2015 of two major arts buildings in St. Catharines: the Brock University Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts and the City of St. Catharines’ First Ontario Performing Arts Centre. These buildings overlook Canal Valley, and mark a new phase in a site rich with cycles of wilderness, industry, abandonment, and reclamation.
The “confluence” of the title is that of Dick’s Creek and Twelve Mile Creek, which is viewed during Confluence Field Trip #1 from the MIWSFPA to Rodman Hall Art Centre. About a hundred members of the school and general community responded to the call for participation and walked in seventeen walks throughout September 8 – November 14, 2015. The walks were conducted mostly in silence except for speaking into an audio recorder, while I walked with them wearing a chest-mounted camera.